# VBタグ作るのがめんどいので雑記タグで。
VB Tips and Trips: Multiple Dispatch
Option Strict Off Class Base End Class Class Derived : Inherits Base End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim obj obj = New Base Foo(obj) obj = New Derived Foo(obj) End Sub Sub Foo(ByVal a As Base) Console.WriteLine("Base") End Sub Sub Foo(ByVal b As Derived) Console.WriteLine("Derived") End Sub End Module
Base Derived
C# 4.0 でも dynamic 使えばできるとかできないとか。
using System; namespace Program { class Base {} class Derived : Base {} class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { dynamic obj; obj = new Base(); Foo(obj); obj = new Derived() Foo(obj); } static void Foo(Base a) { Console.WriteLine("a"); } static void Foo(Derived b) { Console.WriteLine("b"); } } }
Visual Studio 2010 CTP では Foo(obj); がコンパイル通らなかった
Foo は dynamic 型を受け取らないといけないのかな
C# Feature Focus: Dynamically Typed Objects, Duck Typing, and Multiple Dispatch
追記:id:ufcppさんからいただいた情報で、C# 4.0でも多重ディスパッチできました
using System; namespace CsConsole { class Base { } class Derived : Base { } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { dynamic instance = new Program(); dynamic obj; obj = new Base(); instance.Foo(obj); obj = new Derived(); instance.Foo(obj); } public void Foo(Base a) { Console.WriteLine("a"); } public void Foo(Derived b) { Console.WriteLine("b"); } } }